The Rollercoaster
It's safe to say 2017 was a rollercoaster for everybody. In fact, when discussing this matter with a few of my friends and family members we have all agreed that it has been a strange year. Amazing things have happened to everybody, but at the same time we have all faced some of our greatest challenges. Due to this, I feel as though 2017 has also been, for lack of better phrasing, 'a life-changing year'. I know, it sounds very cliche but think about it. To you, the reader, do you relate to this issue? Looking back do you feel as though 2017 has given you varying challenges that have now transformed you into a 'new you' for 2018?
Although I personally do not believe in this concept and believe that a new start should not mean that you have to change your personality, I am personally going into 2018 feeling as though I am now aware of who I am as a person, more so than before, thanks to the rollercoaster ride that was 2017. Let me explain.
Pros of 2017:
- Graduating from University.
This one is pretty self explanatory. After living independently in Swansea for 3 years with the most amazing group of people, and facing countless nights completing coursework I finally graduated University with a degree in English Literature and Language. University in itself was not the easiest challenge. Yes it had many highlights, most of which I will remember for the rest of my life, but each year I faced my own challenge. In first year, I had to adapt from being a naive person to facing the realities of life. In second year I was living with a few girls I did not know and had to relive first year in that I had to start again with bonding with new people. In my final year, I unfortunately had 3 deaths occur to 3 close people in my life and also had to deal with the reality of having moderate social anxiety. Overall though Uni was the life-changing experience I needed to fully enjoy life and looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Japan
Once in a lifetime holiday, amazing experiences and such a beautiful culture. My other blogposts cover what we did on this holiday so be sure to read those if you want to find out more.
- Starting a new job
In the early Summer of 2017 I was offered a new full time job as a lifeguard, which I gladly accepted. I have been lifeguarding for about 4 years now and I am lucky that I have found something I am passionate about at such a young age. It can be challenging at the worst of times but the reward at the end is amazing if you do your job right. Ever since starting the job a few months ago I have not had a panic attack, which when working with the public every day and being in a few stressful situations is very surprising to me. Lifeguarding is a skill that I know I will have for a very long time, and I hope that I always have it as a backup for the future.
Cons of 2017:
So much happened in 2017 that I kind of want to leave it in the past.
But let's just say that I am a strong believer in things happening for a reason. Due to the events that happened last year I am now a stronger person and have a new outlook on life. Instead of looking too far into the future, I am focusing on taking each day at a time. If I feel sad one day, I allow myself to have a down day but the next day must be different as it is a new start. Life is too short to worry about unnecessary things. Everybody says it but it is true. You must only look out for yourself and in 2018, see it as 'the year of you'. At the end of the day, only you can look after yourself the best. Nobody else.
The beach was one of my favourite places to be last year. It allowed me to look back on my thoughts and helped me to figure out what the next stage would be. Plus, the sunsets were gorgeous.
I hope you all have an amazing 2018!
Beckora x
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