It's been a while..

Ah life, you have gotten in the way of my blogging once again! 

Swimming teaching, more lifeguarding, promotions, new friendships, old friendships, baking and loads of new adventures pretty much sums up my previous year. 

Whilst I could sit here and type everything that has happened since I have been away, I'm assuming people don't want to listen to the ramblings. Rather, I feel more settled in where I am in life and am ready to take up blogging again. It is something that I have missed, as it is a place where I can let my feelings and opinions out. Plus, I really miss writing! 

I have a lot of blog ideas ready to publish, including a 'Life of a Lifeguard 2.0' and a quick update on a recent trip I took to Disneyland Paris...I promise it won't be an 11-month wait this time, so please, watch this space! 

Beckora x


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