An Update

So you may have noticed that I have not posted anything in quite a while.  Well there's a pretty big reason for this...I have just completed my final year at University! 

This is quite scary. Okay I lie, very scary.  Although I still officially have a couple of weeks left at Uni, I am soon going to be unleashed from this happy little bubble that I have been living in for the past three weeks into the big bad world.  

Whilst I will be doing a completely seperate post (or posts: how exciting!) on University life, I have got a couple of very exciting things coming up! Here's a run down:

1) University Graduation
2) Japan in 2 weeks
3)  Florida in 3 weeks 
4) Exciting job opportunities. 

I hope you are also excited to come on this journey with me, or, at least enjoy reading these blogs.  After all, we both know you're reading this because you're procrastininating from something, aren't you? I am too, if I'm honest...;)

I have also realised that I had 2 blogs going on: expect a couple of random blog posts coming up...immediately.  This is now going to be my official blog until I learn how to make things pretty.  

I am going to set myself a goal: write a blog a day.  I know I know, seems a bit excessive but I have a lot of things that I want to talk about at the moment with loads of ideas, so at 5pm tomorrow, look forward to another blog! How exciting!

See you tomorrow, hwyl fawr! 

Beckora x


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