How to survive University
It's the age old question for those of us who are about to venture in this strange student world, isn't it? 'How do I survive University?'.
In all honesty, I'm not 100% sure how I have survived: coming from a quiet background whilst simultaneously battling social anxiety, it is safe to say I was the odd one out when I was a 'fresher'. With no prior knowledge on what it was like to get drunk, or even go to a club of some sort made University even more daunting for me. So much so that when I was due to move in, I delayed it by one day as I was literally up all night the night before being ill (What a lovely image but hey, it's true!).
I am happy to say I have changed. Okay, I lie, I HOPE I have changed as let's just say each year had its own battles for me. I won't go into details just yet, but it hasn't been the easiest ride. But I would not change any of it for the world. Below are a few tips that I have that I wish I knew when I was at University :)
Oh wow I cannot stress enough how much this little piece of advice has helped me through the years. Unfortunately, it is something that has only come to light recently but it has changed my outlook on life so much and it has made me a much more positive person. Similar to school, University goes by in a flash, so you want to make sure that you live each day as it comes. Cheesy I know, but when you put it into perspective, it seems so obvious. That argument you had with your housemate yesterday? Well today is a new day, ignore it and carry on as normal. Feeling a bit down today? That's fine, allow yourself to feel down but the next day don't let that feeling reside. You will find that life is so much easier when you just learn to take each day as it is, as life is too short to dwell on the past or focus on the future.
2) Talk to your housemates/friends.
This may seem like an odd one but let me explain. I am a very reserved person. Or at least I used to be. I never wanted anyone to worry about me if I told them I was feeling down that day, and I was also afraid of the reaction someone would give me if I said I was feeling fed up. But talking to people will obviously help things in the long run. This is something that I wish I knew ages ago. The same goes for arguments. This year, my housemates and I all agree that the fact that we talk about arguments straight after we have them has made this year one of the best yet. Isn't it easier to talk to people and clear up any issues rather than hold grudges? Of course it is hard, but in the long run you will feel a lot happier about it :)
3) Societies: do you have to join them?
I didn't join a society at University. Part of me wished I did but I am also glad that I didn't. Yeah it would have been cool to own a hoodie with my name on it, or go out on all the crazy socials but for me personally, it wasn't for me. Now I'm not knocking anyone who may want to join a society: go for it! But the idea of University was daunting enough without worrying about meeting a whole new load of people. I have also made friends on my course which you will definitely end up doing, after all you're all in the same boat! I also made some friends in my old work place who I still stay in contact with. What I'm saying is that don't feel like by not joining a society, you lose out because you really don't.
4) Just SAY YES.
Again, this is something that I wished I had learnt a long time ago. Your friends wanna go out but you're not up for it? Say yes. You can always come back early. A tutor has offered you extra support for your essay writing? Say yes. You will be amazed how this can help you in the future. Of course, if you are being peer-pressured into something, say no unless you want to - you get my drift hopefully! If an opportunity arises which will enable you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, take it. You may find that an opportunity like that will not happen again.
5) Eliminate the toxic people from your life.
This may seem like a strange one, but the sooner the negative people are gone from your life the better. I have learnt this the hard way, but I am so glad that the toxic people are now gone. The friends I have now are people I can completely be myself around, and it makes me so much happier to know that I am not alone and that I don't have to act in a certain way to please them. After all, normalness leads to sadness, so be your unique and quirky self to find the people who make you the best version of yourself.
Beckora x
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